Swedish massage is referred to as ‘the classic style’ and is the most common western type of massage therapy. The deep circular movements, kneading, light rhythmic tapping and long strokes used in this type of massage helps an individual relax and rejuvenate. Its techniques can vary depending upon the intensity of the massage. The various benefits of Swedish massage are:
- Stress Relief: Swedish massage involves gentle pulling of muscles which helps in releasing lactic acid and reducing stress levels. A one hour massage session can also regulate the heart rate and insulin levels.

- Boosts Energy: This massage can help in lowering the blood pressure, increasing circulation to all parts of the body, thus, improving their overall functioning. It also controls the levels of stress hormone, cortisol, that make you feel energetic and fresh.
- Pain Relief: Swedish massage is helpful in providing relief from pain caused due to stress and muscle tension. This is because the massage focuses on a particular area like a sprained ankle, a wrist or back pain. All these kinds of pain can be reduced with the correct massaging technique. It can even help in reducing swelling caused by an injury or accumulation of fluid in the tissues.
- Better Respiration: The massage therapy arouses slower breathing and eliminates mucus or other respiratory discharge from the lungs. It also allows the body to relax and begin the repairing process, and if suffering from a cold, it helps in getting rid of the toxins at a faster rate which eliminates the stoppages in the respiration passage.
- Improved Mobility: Swedish massage can be helpful in treating Stiffness in the joints by reducing the thickening of the connective tissues. It can be helpful in conditions like neck sprains, neck stiffness, shoulder stiffness etc.
- Cleansing The Body: Swedish massage acts as a cleanser, by stimulating lymph circulation and speeding up the waste and toxic elimination process. It also dilates the blood vessels and improves circulation which helps in flushing out toxins and cleansing the body.
- Alternative Medicine: It is often recommended by doctors to boost recovery from various illnesses and injuries like ankle sprain, wrist sprain, fracture etc.
Thus, Swedish massage can be very beneficial for your health and also make you feel better.